Want to avoid emotional overload? Use TAGteach!

autism, ABA, TAGteach, applied behavior analysis

Kids with autism tend to be super-sensory!

They often report that they experience sounds, sights and movements at very intense levels. This intensity can overload their systems, cause them emotional distress, and be an impediment to learning new skills.

We are all like this to some extent: we experience emotions and we broadcast our emotions — through our body language and especially through our voices. Probably everyone has had the experience of calling a friend on the phone and, from the tone of voice when the person answers, being able to tell instantly how that person is feeling.

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TAGteach: What to do when dark clouds roll in

autism, tagteach, applied behavior analysis, ABA

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed

In recent posts I have talked about building behaviors from tiny seeds of potentially positive physical movements, and nurturing these new behaviors with lots of positive reinforcement.

But, sometimes dark clouds roll in and the sunshine goes away. When we get overwhelmed or tired, it’s all too easy to fall into negative habits.

 When things get bleak, positive reinforcement can go out the window

A few weeks ago I had a string of bad days – mostly being tired, stressed, and cranky. I had no patience with my son, and little things that normally would be easy to handle suddenly seemed impossible. I slipped into negative comments and negative behaviors towards him. I knew I should instead pick up the rate of positive reinforcement, but didn’t have the energy to do so.

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Plants seek the light, kids with autism seek success, TAGteach delivers both

autism, tagteach, applied behavior analysis

Plants grow towards the light

Why? So they can grow better, so that their cells produce more food for the plants to grow. This phenomenon is known as phototropism. Phototropism is so powerful that plants turn around completely to face the sun as the sun moves across the sky. Here is a cute 2-minute video  that shows phototropism in time-lapse photography.

Kids with autism need to grow too, but they need special help. They need help with understanding what to do, when to do it, and how long to do it. The best way for them to learn is with success. When they experience success, they turn towards the activities that deliver reinforcement, just as the plants turn toward the light.

Success is the “light” for kids with autism

For all of us, the feeling of success makes us feel good; it gives us a sense of accomplishment. When a learning experience is successful, the learner feels confident in performing a task and is eager to do more. We all want our kids with autism to experience success, confidence and enthusiasm for learning. How best to achieve this? How can we deliver success to our kids? TAGteach is ideal for this. In addition to the event marker (the tag or “click”), TAGteach has other protocols that make sure kids have a successful learning experience. Here is one of them: Start at the Point of Success.

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Behavior Basics 35 and 36: End of Week Wrap-up

autism tagteach behavior analsysi35. A conditioned reinforcer is something previously neutral that has gained reinforcing potential.

A conditioned reinforcer can be any quick sound or action. It can be a whistle, a tap, a flash of light, or a click sound made by a small plastic device called a “tagger.” Initially, the sound or flash has no significance for a child, but, by pairing the sound with a treat or other pleasing consequence, the “tag” (click sound) becomes an important event for the child. The tag means that a treat is coming. A tag means that the child did something right or achieved something. The tag is good news! The tag is worth paying attention to – this is very important. The tag teaches the child to focus on his own actions.  What was I just doing that caused Mom to tag and hand me a treat? Was it swinging my arm or looking at the toy?  Hmmm, I’ll try swinging my arm again. Nothing, no tag. Okay, I’ll trying looking at the toy again. TAG! Oh, that was it!  I get it. I’ll look at the toy some more! Boy, Mom sure seems happy when I look at a toy. I know she’s happy because she tagged and gave me a treat, and I’m happy too.

autism tagteach applied behavior analysis36.  Create a conditioned reinforcer by pairing it with something the child already likes.

How does the child learn that the acoustical signal, the “tag” (click sound) has meaning? You teach the child by “pairing” the tag with a treat. This can be achieved very quickly. When I first got a tagger, I sat down next to my son with a fruit roll-up and proceeded to tag and hand over slivers of fruit roll-up. It went like this: tag/hand over sliver, tag/hand over sliver, tag/hand over sliver, continuously. In 25 seconds he figured out that the tag meant that a treat was coming. 25 seconds! That’s all it took. I never had to repeat that lesson. I could immediately start using the tag to teach new skills. Try it! It’s great fun to teach a child with autism something in just 25 seconds!

REMINDER:  This concludes the wrap-up of Behavior Basics for the week.  Please remember the schedule: On the release date of each module, the Behavior Basics for that module will be compiled into a PDF ebook available from our blog and Facebook page. Click on this link to download the entire series of 42 Behavior Basics for free: http://statictab.com/m7bizwt.


Behavior Basics 33 and 34: End of Week Wrap-up

autism tagteach applied behavior analysis33. Slow reinforcement is ineffective for teaching a child, especially one with autism.

A child with autism lives in the moment. He is keenly aware of what is happening right now, and often, right now he has at least three or four behaviors (physical movements) going on simultaneously. Those movements change very quickly—every few seconds he’s doing other actions. Let’s say the child momentarily does one action that you wish to reinforce, so you run over and say, “Hey, good boy for doing that,” and hand out a treat. I timed myself walking a distance of 12 feet, saying, “Hey, good boy for doing that,” and handing over a treat. It took 4 seconds. In those 4 seconds, a child with autism has performed many more movements and is thinking about those new movements. The one you liked, that happened about 5 or 6 seconds ago, is history. So if you walk over to your child, praise him and hand over a treat, you are too slow and too late. The child won’t know what you reinforced. He won’t know what you want him to do again. Your reinforcement will be ineffective because it is not paired precisely with the desired behavior. Effective reinforcement is timely, on-time, and precise information. It tells the child, “That thing you are doing right now is great. Do it some more.” Our voices and words, of which we are so enamored, are slow, clumsy and too late to give exact, pinpoint information to the child. So, help the child out. Make sure that, during the time that he is doing a desired action, he gets the information, “YES. That’s right,” and now a treat is on the way. See Behavior Basic #34 for more information.

autism tagteach applied behavior analysis34. What’s the solution to late reinforcement? Use a conditioned reinforcer.

In Behavior Basic #33 we discussed the fact that a child with autism needs pinpoint accuracy of reinforcement in order to know that he should do a behavior again. We cannot provide such speedy, accurate reinforcement with our slow voices or confusing gestures. An excellent way to provide fast, timely information to the child is with an acoustical signal, a “tag,” or click-sound, made by a tagger. The best way to reinforce a child is when he is actually doing the behavior you want — to reinforce in that “right now” micro-second. How can you reinforce so quickly? With a TAGteach tagger. A tagger allows you to provide split-second information to the child while he is performing the desired behavior. So the procedure is: observe child, tag desired behavior, give treat. By following up each tag with a treat, the tag becomes a “conditioned reinforcer.” When the child hears the tag, he knows a treat is coming his way. Eventually, the sound of the tag is reinforcing in and of itself. He learns to listen for the tag, think about what he was doing that earned the tag, and then perform the behavior again—because it brought about a pleasant consequence. Precise, timely reinforcement builds behaviors faster. There is nothing else like it.

autism tagteach behavior analysisREMINDER:  This concludes the wrap-up of Behavior Basics for the week.  Please remember the schedule: On the release date of each module, the Behavior Basics for that module will be compiled into a PDF ebook available from our blog and Facebook page. Click on this link to download the entire series of 42 Behavior Basics for free: http://statictab.com/m7bizwt.


TAGteacher tale: Skill and faith – shaping behavior in a child with autism

scribblesBy Joan Orr MSc

There are two things that a TAGteacher needs to be successful. These are skill in applying the technology and faith in the technology. The skill comes from having a good understanding of the principles underlying the science of behavior, having a good understanding of the principles of TAGteach and lots of tagging practice. The faith comes from experience and seeing it work again and again and just knowing that it works.

Denise Blackman posted a story to the TAGteach Yahoo group that gives a perfect illustration of the combination of skill and faith resulting in a successful outcome.

Here is Denise’s post (reposted with permission):

I don’t normally post, but I had a fun experience today and want to share it.

I work as a consultant to a preschool program for children with autism. Yesterday we were discussing one of the kids, “Robert”, an almost 4-year-old boy who does not currently speak, make eye contact, imitate, play with others, or follow most directions.

One of the many things “Robert” is working on is writing. His writing goal is to draw a vertical line. Unfortunately he wasn’t making any progress on the goal. Rather than trying to copy the line, he just scribbled on the paper. We decided to try TAGteach with him.

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Behavior Basics 31 and 32: End of Week Wrap-up

behav basics 31 (2)31. The timing of the reinforcer tells the child what he did right.

We have talked about how children with autism may have many behaviors (physical movements) going on at the same time.  At some point, the child will perform a movement that you want to see happen more often.  When this one specific movement is happening–in the blur of many other movements–the only way to distinguish it from the blur of activity is with pinpoint timing.  With TAGteach you can pinpoint that micro-second of desired action by pressing the tagger, and then delivering the reinforcement as quickly as possible after that.  The child knows that the sound means that a treat is coming, so the child pays attention to what he or she does that causes the sound to happen.  The pinpoint timing of the tag (click sound) gives the child information about which specific movement is earning the reinforcement.  When the child with autism knows exactly which behavior is earning reinforcement, he or she will do that action more often.

behav basics 3232.  Late reinforcement is ineffective for teaching a child, especially one with autism.

Children with autism often perform many behaviors in quick succession and in changing sequences.  When they are performing behaviors (physical movements) so quickly, it is a challenge for us to tell them exactly which behavior we want, and it is a challenge for them to figure it out.  Generally, people use their voices to tell a child, “Good job,” or, “That’s it.”  The problem is that words come out of our mouths a second or two after the child does the behavior, plus the words themselves take one or two seconds to emerge: this means a three to five second delay in getting information to the child.  In that three to five second period, the child will have performed several other behaviors.  How can the child figure out, in his confusing world, what that praise was intended for, even assuming he can understand the words?  The information is too late to have meaning for him.  The late praise and even later delivery of reinforcement will slow down the child’s learning process.  Why create confusion and delay when we can provide real-time, split-second information?  Delay is the last thing a child with autism needs.  Fast timely action brings much better results.

REMINDER:  This concludes the wrap-up of Behavior Basics for the week.  Please remember the schedule: On the release date of each module, the Behavior Basics for that module will be compiled into a PDF ebook available from our blog and Facebook page. Click on this link to download the entire series of 42 Behavior Basics for free: http://statictab.com/m7bizwt.

TAGteach, a waiting game where both parties win!

autism tagteach applied behavior analysis

The waiting game

In a game, there is usually a winner and a loser. TAGteach involves waiting, but this waiting game ends up with two winners and no losers. Here’s how the TAGteach Waiting Game works:

TAGteach (Teaching with Acoustical Guidance) is a wonderful tool for teaching children with autism. It has many features that make it highly effective for this population. TAGteach combines an acoustical signal (a “tag” or click) with positive reinforcement to increase functional behaviors.

The acoustical signal or “tag” delivers precise, timely information to the child about what he or she has done that is correct. The tag is quick and requires no words, so the parent can reinforce a desired behavior more quickly and more often, and the child has more opportunities to learn.

With TAGteach, the desired behavior is broken down into small parts so the child can learn one small step at a time. And finally, TAGteach is based on the principles of ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis). The most important scientific law of ABA is that a behavior that is reinforced is a behavior that will occur again. By reinforcing appropriate, functional behaviors, you will teach a child to perform these behaviors more often and for longer periods of time.

First step -Assess and decide

The first step, when starting with TAGteach, is to assess your child. There is a free, downloadable Child Observation Chart on this website that you can use to make notes about your child’s behaviors (physical movements of the body). Five minutes of observation will give you an eye-opening description of your child’s behaviors.

Whenever I do the observation with my child, I’m always surprised at the difference between what I think is going on and what is actually going on. Once you have a list of what the child is doing, you can decide which behaviors you would like to see more often. If the child storms about the house a lot, you probably would like him to walk slowly. If the child screams a lot, you probably would like more Quiet Mouth or Appropriate Vocalization behavior.

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Behavior Basics 29 and 30: End of the Week Wrap-up

autism tagteach applied behavior analysis29.  You must give the reinforcer at the exact moment the child does the behavior.

In Behavior Basic 28 we discussed the importance of timing when reinforcing behavior in a child with autism.  You must reinforce the child at the precise moment he does the desired physical movement.  If you reinforce too early or too late, the child will be confused; he won’t know what he did to earn the reinforcer, so he probably won’t repeat that exact desired movement.  It is not easy to reinforce a child at the split second he does a desired movement, but TAGteach (Teaching with Acoustical Guidance) makes it easy.  When I set out to teach my son to kick a ball, my first tag point (physical movement to reinforce) was “Walks near ball.”  The ball was out in the yard and every time he dashed within five feet of it I tagged and gave him a reward.  Even though he was busy running and yowling, he realized very quickly that being in the vicinity of that ball resulted in very nice consequences.  Soon he was running and walking around the ball, just the result I wanted.

autism tagteach applied behavior analysis30. The timing of the reinforcer is information for the child.

In Behavior Basic 29 I described how I tagged my son every time he dashed within five feet of a ball.  This was Step One of my program to teach him to kick the ball.  Because my son heard the tag and received reinforcement when he ran or walked within five feet of the ball, he deduced that the area around the ball was a great place to be.  I did not verbally ask him to approach the ball.  I did not show him how to walk near the ball.  I did not take him by the hand and drag him to the ball.  All I did was tag him precisely when he was in the vicinity of it.  The quick click of the tagger and the reinforcement gave him this information.  We accomplished Step One quickly, easily and with no stress and no exasperation.

REMINDER:  This concludes the wrap-up of Behavior Basics for the week.  Please remember the schedule: On the release date of each module, the Behavior Basics for that module will be compiled into a PDF ebook available from our blog and Facebook page. Click on this link to download the entire series of 42 Behavior Basics for free: http://statictab.com/m7bizwt.

Never force anything, words from my father

autism tagteach positive reinforcement

In the garage

One day when I was a child, I was in the garage with my father.  I was pushing hard with a screwdriver trying to pry open an old wooden box.  My father came over and said, “Never force anything.  If you force it, you might break it.  Look for a better way.”  We looked over the box and found a way to open it that didn’t involve brute force.  My father was an engineer, so his life’s work was devoted to designing complex technologies.  He knew how important it is to consider all aspects of a case and then take action slowly and carefully.

I always remembered that incident.  His words stayed with me and resonated powerfully years later, when my husband and I found ourselves raising a child with severe autism.

The struggles of the early years

My son is now a teenager.  When he was three years old he was diagnosed with severe autism, plus he was profoundly nonverbal.  While he was a sweet child underneath, he displayed many difficult, disruptive and aggressive behaviors.  How do you change difficult behaviors in a child who spins and shrieks constantly, and who can neither speak nor endure listening to your voice?

We struggled and suffered for many years, becoming increasingly isolated from normal everyday life.  I was desperate to improve his behaviors so that we could out in the community, go to the grocery store, or take a walk in the park.  I had often taken him out with the “brute force” method, clamping my hand over his wrist and holding on tightly so he would stay with me.  Needless to say, this was unpleasant for both of us.

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